

Advances in controlled drug delivery to the sinonasal mucosa


Controlled drug delivery is a valuable strategy for increasing local therapeutic concentrations in a sustained manner, specially in locations that are difficult to access. One such target is the sinonasal mucosa, which can be chronically inflamed in patients with rhinitis or rhinosinusitis resulting in diminished quality of life, pregnant healthcare expenses, and multiple co-morbidities. While numerous medical therapies with daily assistants are available, anatomical, physiological, and patient adherence barriers can limit their therapeutic efficacy. Every bit such, there has been considerable development of biomaterial-based systems that can locally evangelize anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, decongestant, and antihistamine medications over an extended duration. This review aims to highlight advances in such biomaterial-based systems for sinonasal delivery. Delivery vehicles including nasal packs, dressings, sinus stents, polymeric meshes, nanoparticles, microparticles, and in situ hydrogels are reviewed. Benefits of these vehicles are discussed, besides equally their limitations, which, recently, has motivated the development of combination systems that leverage desirable backdrop of their individual components to enhance therapeutic delivery. Finally, word is provided on the potential of combination delivery vehicles, which tin can provide greater command of the duration of therapeutic release, as well as the ability to encapsulate multiple therapies, provide mechanical back up, or adapt to the mucosa. The future clinical utilize of controlled release systems with these attributes could accept a transformative bear on on improving treatment of difficult-to-control chronic diseases of the sinonasal mucosa.


Rhinitis and rhinosinusitis are inflammatory diseases of the sinonasal mucosa that pose a significant healthcare and socioeconomic burden [1,2]. Prevalence of allergic rhinitis, the most common class of rhinitis, ranges from 3% to nineteen% in the Usa and 10%–thirty% worldwide [ane], while rhinosinusitis affects approximately 12% of adults in the U.s.a. [three]. Domestically, the financial touch on of these diseases results in annual expenditures exceeding $eleven.ii billion for allergic rhinitis treatments (as of 2005) [4] and $eight.half-dozen billion for chronic rhinosinusitis (as of 2007) [2]. This burden is not only associated with medical costs, but besides diminished quality of life, reduced productivity, and multiple co-morbidities.

Treatments for rhinitis and rhinosinusitis tin can mitigate symptoms, however, effective delivery into the nasal crenel and paranasal sinuses remains a significant bulwark to disease management. Numerous anatomical features and physiological mechanisms in the nose, nasal cavity, and sinuses exist to protect the upper respiratory tract from inhaled debris and microorganisms [5,half dozen]. These same features, though, limit the deposition and retention of conventional topical suspension or aerosolized delivery methods, such as nasal sprays, drops, and irrigation. Consequently, frequent dosing, specialized devices, and chemical modifications can be necessary [[vii], [8], [9]]. Alternatively, methods for controlled release delivery are an bonny solution to improve distribution while also fugitive the demand for daily administration.

Herein, we review advancements in controlled release formulations for local delivery of therapeutics to the sinonasal mucosa. To provide context for these delivery systems, the anatomy of the nose, nasal cavity, and sinuses is briefly reviewed, as well as the presentation of rhinitis and rhinosinusitis and electric current clinical standards for illness direction. The challenges of efficient intranasal delivery are outlined, each of which serve to motivate the design of biomaterial-based delivery strategies. Several classes of biomaterials take been employed for controlled release and the backdrop of these are considered with an emphasis on their compatibility with the sinonasal mucosa. The design and functioning of biomaterial-based delivery strategies are then examined. These include clinical studies using steroid-soaked nasal packs, dressings, and spacers, clinically-approved sinus stents, and numerous preclinical studies that utilize stents, meshes, nanoparticles, microparticles, in situ hydrogels, and combinations thereof. Finally, future perspectives on the implementation of new controlled drug delivery systems for clinical use are discussed.

Section snippets

The nose, nasal cavity, and paranasal sinuses: beefcake and physiology

The intricate beefcake of the nose, nasal crenel, and paranasal sinuses is essential for processing the ∼10,000 L of air that we inhale each twenty-four hours [x]. Air enters the external structure of the nose through the nares into the inductive nasal cavity, or nasal anteroom, which is divided into two compartments by the nasal septum (Fig. 1). Posterior to the nasal vestibule is the nasal valve and three ringlet-like projections, the inferior, middle, and superior turbinates (or conchae). The space between

Biomaterials used in the context of sinonasal delivery systems

The properties of naturally-derived and synthetic biomaterials have been leveraged to blueprint controlled release systems that can localize therapies for rhinitis and rhinosinusitis. A summary of these materials is presented in Fig. 4. In the following section, these materials are briefly introduced with an emphasis on features that are valuable for drug delivery in the nasal and sinus cavities, such as compatibility with mucosal tissue, properties of bioadhesion or mucoadhesion, and gel-forming

Systems for controlled sinonasal drug delivery

The biomaterials introduced above have been utilized, both on their ain and in combination, for creating a broad range of sinonasal drug commitment systems. Parameters such as the material selection, chemical modification, and rate of degradation every bit well as the active ingredient and method of loading will control the mechanical properties of the system and its duration of therapeutic release. In the following section, the blueprint and operation of controlled release systems that deliver therapies

Conclusions and hereafter perspectives

Local delivery to the nasal and sinus cavities is a promising strategy for maintaining therapeutic concentrations over time to amend management of rhinitis and rhinosinusitis. As these are two prevalent conditions associated with several co-morbidities, significantly diminished quality of life, and loftier healthcare costs, effective treatment commitment is imperative. Even so, anatomical, physiological, and patient adherence barriers can limit traditional daily delivery methods (i.eastward., nasal

Annunciation of competing interest

The authors declare that they accept no known competing fiscal interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the piece of work reported in this newspaper.


The work was supported by not-for-profit funding received through the Eye & Ear Foundation of Pittsburgh. The graphical abstract and Fig. one, Fig. 4, Fig. 6 were created using Biorender.com.

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